Wednesday, January 16, 2008

the signs are there...

...i'm getting older.

1. i'm offended by rap lyrics, especially once i know what they actually mean
2. my metabolism just isn't what it used to be
3. i asked for and received mostly household items for christmas
4. i fall asleep early on the couch on almost a nightly basis
5. i read the labels on food
6. i can handle cleaning up cat puke without puking myself
7. there are definitely wrinkles around my eyes

and i'm sure there's a ton more to be added to the list.
older is ok though. i'm liking it.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Looking into my crystal ball...

..and here's what I see for 2008:

1. weight loss! the gym opens in two days

2. i'm graduating! which mean....

3. my social life can begin to exist again!

4. i'm getting married! which also means for 2008...
5. a kick ass honeymoon

what's in your crystal ball for 2008?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rap Similes

Lately I've been noticing (and loving) similes in rap music.
There aren't necessarily all new, but they're damn good.

1. I love you like a fat kid love cake
2. We keep this hot like a thermos cup
3. I'm all up in her hair like dandruff

There have got to be so many more that I'm not even thinking of.
I want to keep this list growing! Know of any to add to it?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Who New?

So it's been a while since I wrote a list. Today while listening to the radio I was just thrown by what they (along with many magazines) were calling a new band. Now I may be out of the loop and not really know what's going on with music anymore, but I do know that when a band has been together for like 10 years and has released multiple CDs they are not NEW. With that said, I will start this list with the band that sparked this thought and would love for others to add to it bands that fall in this same scenario.

Not a new band:

1. VHS or Beta

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Things I'd rather be doing.

"Stuck" in class right now, so many things I would rather be doing...

1. Wrapping Matt's birthday gifts
2. Cleaning the house
3. Doing my homework for Thursday's class
4. Relaxing
5. Making dinner

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The good and the bad that is today...

1. Good: I just won tickets to Inpterpol.
2. Bad: I have homework due tomorrow that I don't know how to do.
3. Good: The weekend is getting closer.
4. Bad: I have to sleep alone the next two nights.
5. Good: Fall is here.
6. Bad: I have no fall clothes.
7: Good: An excuse to go shopping.
8. Bad: Shopping costs money!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Young and Innocent.

So today is Thursday, which is a day I usually don't write my own lists.
Therefore, I am going to get this one started, with the hopes that people will add to it.

Today while at the gym I started thinking about songs I sang when I was younger. Songs that I sang without really interpreting the lyrics, or maybe I did, but never really thought about them since after a while songs just become a bunch of words. Now looking back I can't believe I probably sang these while shopping in the grocery store with my parents.

Here's the first song that popped into my head.
What song pops into yours?

1. "Do Me" Bell Biv DeVoe

I would also like to add to this list anything by Samantha Fox.